4th February 2025: LATEST NEWS

  • The second in the new series of ISC Zoom Display Meetings was held at 16.00 hours GMT on the 14th of December. Dan Walker gave a short presentation on some aspects of the cancellations on, and the construction of, the first stamps of Charkhari and Sandeep Jaiswal presented his medal-winning, one-frame exhibit from CHICAGOPEX2024 titled “The Circular Stamps of Jammu & Kashmir”. This was followed by a few items of ‘Show and Tell’, the whole program lasting approximately 90 minutes. For such an interesting meeting, it was disappointing that the attendance was only 17, but those members who missed it will soon be able to view the recording in the ‘Gallery’ on the Website

  • The third Zoom Display Meeting in the series was held on Saturday the 11th of January, at 16.00 hours GMT. Dan Walker gave a follow-up display to his presentation last month, titled “Charkhari – The First and Second Issues of a Princely State”, for which he was awarded a Gold Medal at CHICAGOPEX 2024, followed by Srinivas Prava with “Stamps and Postal History of Bhor” for which he was awarded a Vermeil Medal at CHICAGOPEX 2024. This was another very interesting meeting, at which 23 members were in attendance. The recording will find its way onto the Website in due course.

  • The Southeastern Stamp Expo 2025 was held on January the 24th to the 26th, in Georgia. Sandeep Jaiswal was awarded a Large Gold Medal for his exhibit “British India Postal Stationery, 1936 to 1947”, together with the AAPE Award of Excellence and the United Postal Stationery Society Marcus White Award

  • Sandeep Jaiswal, the ISC Program Secretary, has committed to having the ISC as the only convening Society at the Philatelic Show in Boxborough, Massachusetts, USA, from 18th to 20th April. On Saturday 19th April, presentations will be arranged at the frames, to be followed by lunch. The link to the show is: http://www.nefed.org/ps_index.php.

  • The ISC will be holding a Meeting at EUROPHILEX 2025 at 15.00 hours on the 7th May, at which the 75th Anniversary of the ISC will be celebrated by the launch of the ISC Diamond Jubilee Book, which has received much publicity in the past few months. Due to generous sponsorship from David Feldman International Auctioneers, every ISC member will receive a free copy of this high-quality commemorative book. General details of EuroPhilEx can be found on their website

  • The ISC will be holding a meeting at MIDPEX 2025 on Saturday the 5th July at the Warwickshire Event Centre, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK, between 2 and 4 pm. Members and guests are invited to attend

  • BOSTON 2026 World Expo will be a major International Stamp Show, held from 23rd to 30th May 2026 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Our Program Secretary, Sandeep Jaiswal, is organizing the ISC input; look out for further details, including information about the details of the dinner that Sandeep will be arranging following the ISC meeting

  • Issue no. 234 of India Post will be sent to the printers and uploaded to the Website in the next few days. Members will be aware by now that copies of India Post are being distributed to several important libraries around the world; the Aldo Cecchi-Selvaggi Institute for Postal History in Prato, Tuscany, Italy has recently been added to the list. All issues of India Post are downloadable from the ISC Website at Library/ India Post/ Browse India Post, by ISC members only

  • A submission form for the new ISC Expertization Service, having all the relevant details of how to apply, will be distributed in the next issue of India Post (no. 234) and it will be available in the ‘ISC Members’ section of the Website to fill in and submit. Every ISC member who’s subscription is paid for 2025 is eligible for one free examination per year

  • Chris Cleal, the ISC Research Co-ordinator, is still trying to make the final arrangements for the publication of Volumes 1 and 2 of Series 3 of the ISC Handbook; details will be made available to members as soon as they are completed

  • Due to various problems having come to light, the decision has been made to dissolve the ISC Auction. However, the Committee would consider resuming the Auction if any volunteers in the UK who would be willing to re-start the Auction come forward

  • For those of you who are perusing the ‘Home’ page of our Website but are not members, why not join? It’s simple to join the India Study Circle – click the ‘Apply to join here’ button, below, and submit the completed application form.

India Study Circle has a vast indexed library, many scholarly articles written on various topics. Check it out here
India Study Circle UK packet members can download related documents here
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It’s simple to join the India Study Circle – click the Apply to join here button, below, and submit the completed application form
To access more-detailed information, you need to be a member, when you will have access to the following benefits:

Our quarterly journal, India Post, regular on-line auctions, the digital library and liaison with eminent philatelists worldwide, by means of contributing to Gallery displays, presentation meetings (virtual at present), and by various means of electronic communication including Facebook and WhatsApp

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